Monday, March 16, 2009

weekend travels #1

Surprise surprise! A friend of mine showed up in Taipei 2 weekends ago to visit me! And I was so surprised that I didn't even know how to react. She stayed with me at school and on the weekends we ventured out into Taiwan. The first place we visited was Pinxi. We took a train which stopped at several old mining towns and at each place you get out and look around. There were alot of hiking trails that interested us here. So we packed up her backpack with both our stuff for 3 days and set out. To make the trip even more interesting it poured down rain the whole time. Not just sprinkles or mountain mist- DRENCHING rain. Fortunately, we actually managed to stay quite dry ( we had umbrellas and waterproof jackets) while hiking all weekend. The highlight of the weekend was our stop at the Sandiaoling waterfall trail. This was probably the most amazing thing I have ever done in my life. Jill and I hiked an hour on a tiny little trail through the jungle. Over rocks and through some rivers. (we left whatever clothes we didnt want wet and our shoes on one side of the river and continued on) It was a very rugged train and I admit to feeling like a wild, jungle woman. I loved being a wild, jungle woman! haha. It was so great! It was rainy and we were climbing along this path.... And finally we get to this waterfall that was breathtaking. Even better we climbed up the mountain and got directly behind it. Since we were muddy and already wet we just got right in the water and swam around. It was so cold (and the next week we were both sick for 3 days) but there was nothing in the world that could have kept us out of that waterfall. Unfortunately, all our pictures from this day are on Jill's camera so I can't post any yet. They will come as soon and I get them. I would most certainly recomend these hiking trails to any outdoorsie backpackers looking for a jungle jaunt.

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